“Kitchen is the heart of a home”

It is where  memorable moments happen such as:

  • Messy breakfasts with the kids
  • First try of baking a birthday cake
  • Passing down of family’s secret recipe
  • Late-night dinner after a tiring day at work

Because of this “busyness”, accidents may also happen here. So, it is best to know how you can make it more functional.

7 Ways to Make Your Kitchen More Functional

#1 Adequate lighting

One of the most overlooked concepts in designing the kitchen is giving it adequate lighting. This does not only help in increasing your productivity but it also minimises accidents.

How to fix this?

It is advisable to place pendant lights just above the food preparation table so they won’t cast shadows. This position will also illuminate your working area better.

Try it, today.


#2 Place the bins at reach

Isn’t it irritating when you are preparing meals then someone in the house enters the kitchen to throw something in the bin?

This is the downside of having the bin in your kitchen.

We suggest that you place the kitchen bin away from your working area. Maybe a little outside the kitchen, beside the breakfast bar if possible. This way, your family won’t need to enter the kitchen to access the bin while it remains at your reach.

The compost bin is another story. It should always be placed near your food prep area to serve its purpose.

#3 Always place your dishwasher near the sink

Place your dishwasher close to the sink. This will help avoid dripping dirty liquid and oil on your kitchen floor which can be messy and slippery.

This layout also helps with plumbing. The close distance of the sink with the dishwasher helps in better plumbing installation and repair.

#4 Dishwasher doesn’t fit near the walls

Another consideration to make for your dishwasher is NOT TO PLACE IT ON A DEAD END.

It’s not efficient to access only one side of the dishwasher when the other is blocked by a wall. You’ll find it hard to place the dishes on the farthest end of the dishwasher this way. It will be equally hard to get them out. Therefore, the dishwasher must not be placed near the walls.

#5 Make room between counters

Kitchen counters facing each other is very common in Australian kitchens. As good and functional as it seems, this setup won’t work well unless there’s enough space between the counters.

A good 1-meter floor distance can do the trick. This will allow you to open the cupboards wide enough to have complete access to what’s inside.

#6 Power up your cupboards

A new kitchen trend suggests that the inside of the cupboards shall have power outlets. This way, small kitchen appliances can be used while inside the cupboard.

This design aimed to lessen the clutter on kitchen benchtops. Your toaster and kettle need not be on the counter to be functional. You can just plug them on a socket in the cupboard when needed. Less mess and more space.


#7 Have a breakfast bar/Servery Area

The breakfast bar or servery area is gaining popularity these days. It is convenient, space-saver and serves as a good divider.

To start, a breakfast bar allows you to oversee your children from the living room while in the kitchen. It can also be used as a real mini-bar when you have visitors. Most of all, it doesn’t compromise space compared to wall dividers and tall furniture.



Designing your kitchen is like putting puzzle pieces together. Trying to place things here and there until you make a tidy and sensible outcome. You don’t need to fret so much however as following the tips above will surely make your kitchen more functional.

Should you need more advice about your kitchen renovation?  Send us a message today.